Romeo & JULIET

Romeo & JULIET

I woke up one morning and sang to a brick wall, while all the other birds sang on tree branches. I woke up the next morning and sang sweet melodies to the brick wall. All the other birds flew about while singing above me. It was like a well rehearsed choreograph. The morning after that, I woke up and sang to my brick wall. All the other birds swooped down and sang to me. When they were done singing, they began to fly away so I tried to join them. I jumped but couldn’t move. I tried to run, but couldn’t seem to gather momentum to fly. A bird saw me struggling and swooped down to ask what I was doing, to which I responded, “I’m trying to fly”. The bird laughed and said,  “You can’t fly, you’re just a pretty flower”. I felt insulted, “Of course I’m a bird”, I argued, “How else am I able to sing”. The bird looked at me with concern and said, “You see pretty flower, every morning we birds wake up and sing to you and for you. Because every morning you wake up and lose a pretty petal, so we sing to distract you, we sing to keep you happy”. He told me I was dying, that I had just one petal left. I asked the bird to please pick me up so I may fly once in my life and in his kindness he did. 

The kind bird plucked me from the ground and took me up high. And as we flew around, all the birds began to sing beautifully. He dropped me so that I may soar in the air on my own like a real bird. The wind carried me, and as I soared, the sweet melodies from all the birds around me engulfed me. As the wind blew me toward the ground, I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a window in a brick wall. It was my last petal, a vibrant yellow and orange color. Right before I lay on the ground, my last pretty petal broke off and drifted away in the wind.

It’s dark here; I want to sing to my brick wall.


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