Naomi Akoko

Open Diary Introduction.

     For as long as I can remember, I’ve always loved writing in diaries. My thoughts, feelings, it all just poured out easily when I write. So this seemed like a logical step. An open diary. A safe platform where I write my thoughts, observations and tell my stories.

     My name is Naomi Akoko and this is my open diary. Feel free to comment, or leave opinions. However, I will not tolerate any rude comments. I can be reached through social media platforms if need be. I mean, feel free to follow me on twitter, instagram and snapchat {naomiakoko}. Yes it’s the same on all platforms.

Twitter:   naomiakoko
Instagram: naomiakoko
Snapchat:  naomiakoko
     The purpose of this blog like I stated earlier, is to post my thoughts, recipes and short stories will be included as well

     I’m going to tell you guys a little about myself. I’m pretty opinionated. I might not always voice what’s in my head out, but yeah, I definitely have an opinion. I believe I’m on the journey of self-awareness. That is, I’m learning to know myself and understand myself on a deeper level. I love sweets, its almost an addiction really, I love sour candy so much, favorite is “toxic waste”, completely amazing. Oh and I am a foodie. Yes, I eat a lot, like meals and in-between snacks. I love cocktails and wine, and I make pretty amazing cocktails. I’m a very forgiving person, I do not believe in holding grudges or staying mad at people. I’m a believer of love at first sight (yes it does happen). I believe I’m a naturally caring person. I’m also pretty straightforward, I don’t like to beat around the bush. I don’t like keeping negative feelings especially locked up, so I tend to confront problems when faced with them. I speak my mind when it concerns me. Although, my best and possibly worst trait would be my persistence. When I want something, I just have to get it. It’s like I become fixated on it. I think this is linked to my over competitive side. I just love winning. I mean, who doesn’t right? Anyway, I’d say I can get a little selfish sometimes, but I promise it’s not always about me. Although I do take a lot of selfies. (Side note: I wonder if there’s such a thing as a “selfie addiction”).

     Well, that’s basic stuff about me that’s probably most obvious. I hope and pray that you guys enjoy my writing, because I’m going to put in effort for you guys.


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